Monday, June 27, 2011

Rodrigo y Gabriela

I discovered Rodrigo y Gabriela while researching Flamenco-style acoustic guitars and this song and video totally blew me away. Gabriela's rhythm style and technique are absolutely amazing. I want to be Rodrigo for a day -- or a year. Their story is equally amazing. There is an excellent music sampler on the PBS web page of their 2009 interview. Their album 11:11 features 11 songs dedicated to 11 artists who influenced them, including Hanuman for Carlos Santana. Most recently, they collaborated with Hans Zimmer on the soundtrack for the new Pirates of The Caribbean movie.

My interest in Flamenco-style guitar was sparked by watching the concert film developed for PBS about Jesse Cook's The Rumba Foundation. I wanted a guitar like his, of course, but couldn't afford the 13 grand for a Condé Hermanos. Nor could I afford the three grand for Gabriela's signature model Yamaha, so I settled on the Cordoba Gypsy Kings Studio model, which I fell in love with over the weekend. Along with Gabriela Quintero.

Photos of the Day